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septiembre 10, 2023 / lasletrasescritas


I present to you the new versions of two little plays that I have edited and they are available with a beautiful and renewed cover, this one, with a hard cover.
I hope that, at least, you like the design, and, thus, hoping that you enjoy the Sunday that seems to be ending now, receive, as always, my gratitude for the attention paid and an affectionate greeting.

Os presento las nuevas versiones de dos obritas de teatro que he editado y están disponibles con una hermosa y renovada portada, ésta, con tapada dura.
Espero que, al menos, os guste el diseño, y, así, deseando que disfrutéis del domingo que parece terminar ya, recibid, como siempre, mi gratitud por la atención prestada y un afectuoso saludo.